Caddell Mountain


Here at Portland Coffee, we like to bring the history of Terra Alta into our shop. That is why our Light Roast is named after Caddell Mountain. Caddell Mountain is a 1,200-ft. climb that connects Kingwood to Evan's Curve in Terra Alta. Route 7 is a thrilling winding 5-mile drive up and down the mountain at 55 miles per hour.

This beautiful blend of beans from Burundi, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua is lightly roasted for the coffee drinker who enjoys coffee with a light finish. A light roast provides a natural flavor with medium-high acidity and low bitterness.

Did you know that light roast coffee has more caffeine than other roasts? As the coffee beans roast, the caffeine slowly cooks out of them, therefore, since a light roast cooks at a lower temperature for a shorter amount of time, it retains more of that caffeine (the difference isn’t significant enough to notice much, so make sure you focus more on the taste).

Light roasts are a great pairing with breakfast and afternoon snacks. With the light roast's gentle taste, it pairs brilliantly with savory treats like buttery croissants, cheesy scones, avocado toast, and your lunch sandwich. Not only is it a great savory partner, it also pairs well with tangy treats like thumbprint cookies, fruit pies, and any other fruity snacks.

A light roast coffee might surprise you with its milder taste, especially if you are used to drinking dark roast coffee. A light roast is more of a silky, light drink that can sometimes make you think you are drinking tea instead of coffee!

Caddell Mountain can be enjoyed both hot and cold! Enjoy it as a refreshing cold brew or brewed as an espresso to make a delicious hot or iced latte. You can get your hands on a bag of it in store and online, or stop in the shop and let us make you a delicious drink to enjoy!

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